I've been trying to figure out what "Gamer Class" I fall under...
I obtain a game, play it for 15-30 hours, become bored, and never play it again....
I don't even bother beating it...
Heck, I haven't beaten most of the games I own...
here, I'll list the games I have beaten (it's faster this way...)
Paper Mario, Paper Mario: TTYD, LoZ:LttP, Resident Evil 2, Fable, Super Mario Bros. 2, Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart, Banjo Kazooie, Medal of Honor, Golden Sun, Robotrek, some Super Famicon Prince of Persia game, and another two game's whose names I cannot recall...
that's less than a quarter of my game collection....
a lot less...
I don't even think I've beaten my Atari 2600 games...
Would I be a hardcore casual?
or maybe, short attention span gamer...
yeah, that's it...
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