Honestly, I think its PC PS3 360 in 3rd, only because the crappy dithering that is going on in the distance, it looks very..bad...best example to see it in is the second picture, compare the building on the left (in the back) between the 3 pictures. The 360 version has that dithering all through the game..it sucks. Otherwise I'd put it before a PS3.
@aDhAmMe13 I upgraded my computer for the first time in 5 years..I paid 600 for my original build, was able to play CS:S at about 60fps with medium settings. I bought 3 more gigs for 100 dollars (yay black friday pricees) and I can play CS:S constant at 150fps... It really isn't expensive..you just have to know what the hell you are buying..because most people dont.
zero_snake99's comments