- zerojuice’s Activity
@neometal89: "AC is trash since origins" said no one ever. Pretty much every critic and gamer has said Odyssey is the greatest AC since AC 2. Valhalla was fantastic; it's not Ubisoft's problem that lo...
@HAWK9600: Nah, still gonna need humans to clean up the trash AI generates. Like the 6-12 extra fingers AI tends to generate on human hands and the soulless eyes (reference Coca-Cola holiday AI-genera...
@ashog: If you're complaining about KCD2's combat, you must not have played the first one. KCD2's combat is literally about 10x easier than the OG KCD.If you're having trouble with it, it sounds like ...
@girlusocrazy: It does make sense. It's copyright protection. Newer encryptions and protections get coded all the time. Eventually old players will not recognize them without firmware updates. Thus, "...
@nintendians: Good luck. Ripping blu-rays isn't as easy you make it seem. Especially new blu-rays. Their encryption is next level and what encryption cracking programs exist, take about 1-2 hours a pi...
Gonna need to be lower than that to get me to buy. Make it about $250 and you'll have my money.
Ew, who tf be sweating all over their mice?
Probably delayed due to Xbox Series S.
I knew this game would be a disappointment. It's just a copy/paste of The Outer Worlds (which was equally ho-hum) but with swords and sorcery vs laser guns and space ships.Obsidian has lost their touc...
I'm all for voice-acting scabs in the meantime. Devs should just do it themselves until an agreement is made. I'd rather have sh*tty voice acting than no voice acting.
@m4a5: I mean... just go buy Schnapps from any of the 1,000 merchants around the game. Save whenever you want. Hur dur dur.
Combat against unarmored enemies lacks impactLol, it's realistic combat. In what world would the random bandit with little to no actual combat skills is going to stand a chance against a fully-armored...
@rolento25: You're the one who actually needs to learn their history. Phil Spencer was the Microsoft Studios (currently known as Microsoft Gaming) General Manager from 2008 to 2012. Then he became the...
@doomsdayhell01 said:@pcps4xb: He can't say, well thank you for buying a Series S but you need to buy the Series X to play some games going forward.Sure he can. It would just put another nail in thei...
PvPvE? I'm out. No PvE only? F*ck off.
@DJSONIC: Nah, that sounds about right for Xbox owners. ;)
@tbird7586 said:@superveka: The switch 2 will play everything the other consoles can play it has better exclusives it's a handheld and a home console and it'll be cheaperNo it won't. It'll be no more...
This article is stupid. Aerith is dead (or dies - depending on how you look at it) so the argument is moot. The creators of FF7 have basically said multiple times that if nothing else, it's a love tri...
They just need to accept the action-RPG version of the series and dump the old version. The proof is in the pudding with AC: Mirage. No one bought that crappy game because the old model is just that: ...
I'm not okay with being time constrained. Unless it's player managed; like I choose to change it from day to night and night to day to advance time. But in this instance, at least according to their w...
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