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My 1st blog

I know many out there probaly didnt realize i was out for a while,or if they were out also either way i'm cool with it.So it went down like this why i was gone:while i was postin in blogs here and there, my brother needed 2 use da phone,and since we have dial-up i didnt really have much of a since i wasnt gonna go through da annoyance of connectin and disconnetin over and over,i decided to wait until he left since he leave every couple when he finally left i got back on just to find out it wont connect.

At first i thought our phone was turned off but it wasnt.Because my life sucks, da computer is just one of the few activitives ihave:(sofor da next couple days i told and reminded my mother.At first she was goin about havin to wait until da people callher back,so i impatiently waited weeks, but nothin.So,maybe 2,3 weeks ago i asked her ago,but this time she said she would swing by there after work.Days went by but still nothin,I didn't if it was either she forgot orifthere was some kinda bill and didnt have the money since we be low on money cause my mother have to pay for everything around here since my brother is a good fo nothin slacka who mooch of our relativesalmost every week.

So yesterday was a day off,so she took the chance to take me to the dmv to renew my driver's permit,after wewentto the ntinet place,while there i found out that the reason why ournet was off is because my mother unknowingly paid the bill for the month before,so afterwards i thought we'd be headin home but no,we went to my sister's place .Now usually i would stay home but we hadnt hit the house yet,so i was stuck there cause my mother and sister had to have their long chats:roll: and due to the fact that i keep most opinions to myself,so hour or so passed and finally my mother was ready to head home,as usual i was realeved.As espected the firstobjetive on my mind was checkin if the net was back up and it was.So here i am usin this oppurtunity totypemy first blog since I'm not all that good at makin up stories and stuff,I still have some catchin up on both gamespot and gaia so everone keep it real and i'll tryto stay in touch with ya'll.