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Top 5 AVGN episodes

With the angry videogame nerd (AVGN) taking a slight vacation till May I thought it would be as good a time as ever to create a top 5 list of my personal favourite nerd episodes. In case you don't know who the AVGN is he is a nerd named James who is gonna take you back to the past, to play the s***y games that suck a**. Put simply avgn is an internet videogame series fromhttp://www.cinemassacre.com/that has james playing old terrible videogames and mainly going on rants about them. The videos are very hilarious and was even awarded Best Online Web Series inhttp://mashable.com/2009 open web awards. Well now since you know more about the series its time to get to the videos.

#5 Milon's secret castle

In this episode James plays Milon's secret castle from Hudson for the nes. Ever played a game where there are no hints no clues and you have no idea what to do? Well take that game and have a rhino upchuck on it and then you get this.


#4 Super Pitfall

What happens when one of the most iconic atari 2600 games makes a leap to the nes? It decides that writing super on the front cover will make a terrible game good thats what! Who ever said that games are to easy never played super pitfall.


#3 Bible games

Do you like old games? Do you like games that aren't legal cause they're "cooler"? Do you want your kids to learn about the bible and have fun? Do you want a clone of other good games? Then boy are these games for you sorta except for the fun part.


#2 Plumbers don't wear ties

Where oh where to begin. The title is a lie, the box is a lie and the game is a mix between softcore p**n and a family vacation slideshow. Interested? Then watch.


#1 Little Red Hood

The episode you've all been waiting for. Bad graphics, bad sounds, bad controls, bad gameplay what could be better for the nerd to rant about? This may have been the inspiration for fairytale fights and the game hacked the nes and wasn't legally made which makes the video all so much better. Enjoy


Well hope you enjoyed my list and AVGN. Till next time. BOOM BOOM POW AWAY!

Getting a 360 story, donating my gamecube and looking for friends

Hey just wanted to start off by wishing everyone who reads this a merry merry christmas so now on to my story.

I had recently decided that I would take the leap into purchasing a different system a 360 arcade. I have only ever owned nintendo products like my current wii and ds phat. My mon had decided that she would give me a present of $100 early so i could purchase my 360 in time for the big day. So my dad went and drove me to my local Eb Games. We walked in I looked at the games realized that although I could get the arcade i couldnt buyany games with it but I was ok with that. So I went to the counter and asked for the arcade they went to the back and brought it out to me then my dad from behind said to me that maybe i should just get the elite. Absolutely stunned I actually asked him if he was toying with me. Luckyily he said no and asked the employee to get the elite version. Now at this point I was absolutely inthrawled. What happened next I doubt I shall ever forget. The guy in the bak said they didnt have any regular elites and they only had the game pack in for 499. So my father asked if I was going to be good next year and decided to buy me the 360 elite with 250Gb of space 2 controllers and forza 3 along with allowing me to purchase batman archam asylum with the money from my mom. I am incrdibly psyched to open it and play it and because of this great thing that has happend to me Ive decided to give away my gamecube and some games and controllers to a needy family.

Well now since ive told you my tale I was hoping to find some 360 friends to maybe play some online games with. Although I have enough friends from school I dont want to be playing online and find myself befriending so weird gamers cause i feel i need more friends. Here on gamespot however I feel that most members arent pure griefers so you people may be better. Hope to here back from some people and end it by wishing everyone a merry christmas one more time.

Corrupted memory card

Hey Guess what happened the other day??? I decided to after a long time of ingoring it to play some gamecube games only to my displeasure to find out that the memory cards had been corupted. It really saddens me to think that the hundreds of hours poured into those cards had suddenly be destroyed.:cry: Does anyone out there have any clue why this has happened? I was also wondering somethingelse. I am currently in the market of purchasing a new system and am leaning towards a 360 and im curious if this memory problem can happen to this system. Hoping to hear also if this has happended to anyone else or if im alone. Thanks for any responce

Vote for Link

everybody should vote for the uberawsome link i mean hes been saving hyrule for years and gordon is sorta a relectant hero now link on the other hand goes sooooooo far out of is way to beat down evil and that is so much better

Vote Guybrush

WE NEED AN UPSET!!! We need to vote for the long shot and the better character we need to show that if we band together we can accomplish anything so please vote for guybrush get your friends to vote for guybrush and like a wildfire (or a chainmail) we must get everyone to vote for guybrush at all costs so at all means help guybrush win. (at least this round).

Free systems

Hey people of the internet. I have a question for you. Does anyone know any REAL ways to get/win a free videogame system? I am the somewhat proud owner of a nintendo wii. AlthoughI have great games for my wii I feel like I want more so thats why I was wondering if anyone knows any ways to get my hands on a free 360 ps3 or even a ps2. Thanks ahead of time for any help and know that I live in Canada so certain usa only things wouldnt work for me.

best pokemon game

please tell me what you think the best Pokemon game is I believe it is Pokemon crystal for the gbc because first of all you have to collect 16 badges and go between 2 regions!!!:)

Best movie ever

I believe the best movie ever is the newest dark knight with great acting and picture i wish it was nominated for more at the oscars.:(