awesome i have been playing all my xbox games for the past two days cuz i thought i wouldn't be able to play them again
so xbox live support for original xbox games ends tonight but can i still play them offline on my 360?i still have a lot of xbox games that i don't play online
hey i was trying to remember the name on the the old accessory for the 360 but i cant remember the name of was something that u could put sound clips into from your computer and when you plugged it into your controller it would play the sound in your micanyone remember what that was called?
i loved the first gears of war i played the MP so much i loved the gears of war 2 campaign buti cant stand MP anymore, its so broken maybe i'll come back once they fix it and i really hope they do
which one of these games is the easiest one to get achievements for? left 4 dead MK vs Dc Farcry 2 Dead space?
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