I told everyone I'd give an update on my birthday weekend and being Monday it seems appropriate to do so now. However I also wanted to rant about Gamefly for a little while. Seeing as how I was expecting Quantum of Solace to play and still haven't recieved it (I hope it is in the mail today). I have their 3 game plan, but the only reason I need the 3 game plan is because it takes a week for them to recieve the games back from me and then it take 3 or more days to get the game sent out. Sometimes it is faster because of "Fast Returns", and then it only takes 2 days to get back. The problem is for some reason I'll only get "Fast Returns" one out of every three times I send something back. I always use the same mail box. I work freaking right next to the post office! There is no reason it should take this long. Also, Gamefly is having a horrible habbit of sending me games on the bottom of my queue. They dig down to title 20 instead of whats on the top. While that should be fine because I DO want to play those titles eventually, there are A LOT of other title I want to play immediatly. So I miss the play and win weekends, and when I've planned having a friend over we get stuck playing a single player. Then it takes another week or more to try again for the game I REALLY want to play. I hate it and Gamefly doesn't care. BLOCKBUSTER WHY ARE YOU NOT GIVING GAMEFLY COMPETITION?!?!?!? WHY???????!!!!!!
So anyway my weekend wasn't ruined. I spent nearly the entire time playing Tales of Vesperia. Which I think is funny because I didn't have that on my list. My younger sister and I are both playing through it together and we had only put about 5 hours into it before even though we got it right after it released. Well, now we've got more like 25 hours in it and I'm really enjoying it. I'm really getting into the story.
I also spent a few hours with another JRPG, Infinite Undiscovery. I think I was warned it was better left undiscovered. That is 100% true. Despite the fact the game bears the Square Enix logo and the Tri-Ace emblum (two of my favorites, especially in combination) the game is terrible. It is so bad it is hard to describe how bad it is. Maybe it would help to say that I think Two Worlds was excellent by comparison (and I HATED Two Worlds). Infinite Undiscovery is slow with a pointless plot and unlikeable characters. The controls feel really wonky and totally kill their real time battles. Overall I can't find anything good to say about this game except that no one is forcing you to buy it.
The rest of the weekend was spent eating cake and whatnot. I did some cathing up with my kids and burried my son in leaves in our backyard. It was pretty nice.