I just reviewed Halo 3, and I gave it a 10/10. Click here to read the review.
Yes, I know I'm a microsoft pawn and do everything they tell me without question. :P Anyone who believes that is an idiot.
Anyway, the reason I gave it a 10 is not because I am so in love with the series, because up to this point I was not. I also would understand if someone out there didn't like the game. While playing the Solo-Campaign waiting for my brother to get home to help, or at least for someone to sign on live, which they did. No the reason I gave it a 10 is because this game shows the complete maturation of the Xbox Live service and is everything I have ever wanted a multiplayer game to be. It is the perfect combination of local and online play. For me, the game is perfect.
I do have some quams with graphics. I dont think they look much better than Halo 2, but they function really well. Would I like for the game to look a lot better? Maybe, but I wouldn't want that at the cost of longer load times and framerate issues. Maybe I'm a bigger fan for not having player Halo 2 extensively. The game is not as good looking as Gears of War. Anyone who says it is must be blind. I do feel that if it fails in any category its graphics. I don't review strictly on graphics, but even if I did this game is still much better than the 1.0-5.5 reviews its being given (and no I did not give it a 10 to cancel out those reviews).
So go ahead and flame me if you want, I know I've given more than enough reason lately. The game is good though. It is the best combination of local and online play that has ever been made on a console, and for that reason it might end up being the greatest game I've ever owned.