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For shame Apple, for shame.

I saw a recent Mac commecial where the PC had joined a group of other PCs who are, "Living with Vista". One PC goes to volunteer that he's been error free for five days, but then he just keeps repeating that. This commercial is rather offensive to me as I've been using Vista since a couple of months after its release and it is more than reliable.

Vist actually has a built in reliability monitor. It rates your computer on a scale from one to ten with one being the worst and 10 being the best. If you have one problem on your computer it knocks down your score and to gain it back you have to go 3 days with no problems. My current system rating is at 9.65.

My Reliability Score


Over the Past month I've had ONE application crash. On the 22nd of May, Windows Live Messenger crashed, and no I don't remember why. Consider the use my computer gets and the number of applications I use thats pretty good. Now my score has been lower at times. For a while I was getting an error when I opened Media Center, which is the application I use most. That problem seemed to take care of itself though, probably being addressed by an automatic update to Media Center.

Macs are not immune to software crashes or hardware problems. Of course Apple's Mac OSX doesn't have nearly the ammount of hardware or software compatability that the "horrible" Windows Vista has. For what its worth, Microsoft has done one heluva job ensure my computer's system stability with Windows Vista, and I enjoy using it every day... without errors.