I'm a sucker for digital distribution, but I'm more of a sucker for great games. Based on the Demo, I was willing to fork over the, once again, higher than normal price for an Arcade game. I'm, once again, pretty happy I did.
Castle Crashers isn't the innovate masterpiece the Braid is, but it has more value for other reasons. The component that I enjoy the most is the multiplayer co-op. Since I first got my 360 I've always spent more time playing with other people that I have playing on my own (thats including all my time in Mass Effect btw). For someone like me, Castle Crashers is everything you could hope it to be.
The game is a modern 2-D adventure game with some RPG elements thrown in. Like its predecessor, Alien Hominid, has an intriguing look. It also doesn't take itself too seriously and has some very funny moments. The game could get boring on your own as it would just be the running through the stages beating up the baddies over and over. With more people, the game really shines. For instance, after rescuing a princess, a player is forced to fight with his team mates to see who wins a kiss. Players also have their own gold so there is always a little bit of competition in the cooperation. On the RPG side your characters level up, learn new moves, and get new weapons. You also get an animal helpers who do all sorts of weird stuff.
If you liked old arcade brawlers, Castle Crashers will bring that joy to the modern era. If you have a lot of friends who come over you'll like it even more. I have yet to try online, and have only played through some of the game. There is still more left to do and I'm going to be playing this game a lot over the holiday weekend coming up.