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I played Spore and I don't like it

Spore has been one of my most anticipated titles for a while now, and while it still isn't out officially I've been playing for the past two days straight. That SHOULD testify to how great it is, but there has been a great share of frustation in it. The game isn't like Sim City or the Sims, it really more like the Sim City 2000 Urban renewal kit. The game should always be about your creature, but its not.

The game is devided into different phases, and everything starts well. You start out, as promised, with your single celled creature and have very few options for developing your creature. You'll get six different cell parts, but thats it. That is not bad really, because the gameplay in this section is incredibly simple and wouldn't be well suited for hours upon hours of play.

The second phase is the best in the game, hands down. The reason is because this is where you'll do the entirety of the "evolving". In the creature phase you start with barely having legs to being the biggest and baddest beast in the land. This can be pretty difficult, if you play the game on hard, but its a lot of fun working and reworking your creature until you find the rihgt combination of looks and skills using your availible DNA points. When the creature phase ends, your unfortunatly locked into whatever you choose as your final form for the remaining three portions of the game. That is the incredibly stupid part of spore.

The tribe phase is next and it is tollerable. It plays like a very simple RTS. As you defeate or befriend rival tribes you gain more tribes members up to a maximum of 12 (yes, only 12). The only reason this section of the game bothers be is because it is so ridiculously easy. I think you could beat the whole thing in just about 20 minutes. The only custimization you do in this mode is changing your tribes clothes. That is still pretty weak because you can beat it easily on hard ever messing with your tribal clothes. Another thing that bothers me about this section is that if you befriend the rival tribes you haven't really proven dominance, but for some reason you're the only sentient species left on the planet in the next section. Thats really just me being picky though, I would have like a multiracial army to take over the world with. It would have been more Politically Correct too.

So anyway, the next phase is a bad rip off of Civilization, and not so suprisingly its call the civilization phase. This is really where the game gets stupid. At this point your created species controlls the planet, and once again you can't change anything about them. The game also does the favor of giving your beloved creation a horribly annoying voice and then having them attack you. It makes me wish I really were God over this game so I could smite them all there and get it over with. Anyway, at this point all you're doing is making houses and vehicles. The game gives some good pieces to choose from, but being creative isn't really my specialty. For houses I just throw some pieces together, pick one of the default color schemes, and give it a name like "house" (see creative genius). For the vehicles I jus pick the biggest body, give it some wheels and a cockpit, and then set to attacing every single gun in the game to the thing. Those tanks are ugly, but suprisingly they're extremely effective. The rest of the civ phase consists of waiting for enough ticks to get your next patch of money and then just building more and more ugly vehicles until everyone else is dead. Seriously, I hate this part of the game.

There's still more though. Once you've conquered the world you set your sight on the stars. This would be great if your race had anything to do with your possibilities of success. It doesn't. This mode is all about building the best spaceship. Thats it. I've played to this section of the game twice and quite both times because it is exceptionally boring.

So, in the end Spore is a building game. Some have said that spore is all about the creatures. Well, if only that were true. Two fifths of the game are about your creature and those parts are really pretty good. The rest of the game is a bad rip of existing genres. If you like bulding spaceships though, you'll probably really like this game. Sadly I don't. So, I think I've wasted my time with this title. For me, Spore did not live up to the hype.