I finally got around to turning on the PS3 again. I actually got on to look for an Infamous demo, but there either wasn't one or I missed it. Anyway, I realized that the last time I turned it on was to download the Killzone 2 demo and I got bored waiting for it to finish, so it just sat there. Since it was just waiting for me I did the quick install and got down to trying it out. Now, I had been impressed by the graphics in the videos and I wasn't sure if the game would hold up. In short it looks amazing! For the most part, everything reminds me of Gears of War except that the animations are 1000x better. The one complaint I have though, and this is for all shooters, when I look down I would like to be able to see my feet. All of these shooters star disembodied floating arms holding guns. The controls were a little weird at first but after a few minutes of acclimation I found it to be the most comfortable shooter controls ever mapped to the PS3 controller. The gameplay however, seems to just be the standard shooter affair. In the first part of the demo, I was supposed to blow up a bridge, but sadly I missed the instructions on how to do it because of something exploding next to me. I kept shooting the enemies out of the turrets only the have an infinite number of troops always replace them. Thankfully, it turns out the Helgast store their high explosives on their bridges with their infinite reinforcements, and the explosives are only triggered by bullets. Of course that is all just me being picky. I definitly do want this game and I think the multiplayer would be especially fun. Its looks like a great game.
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