Game Dev story is a simulation rpg game where you are the head of a Japanese game development studio. Things start out simple, with you hiring a team and making some bad to mediocre indie PC games and then progress to you being the premier game developer in the biz, and possibly even making your own console.
The game is simple fun. You hire staff and train them, level them up, and choose what projects to work on and assign tasks. The objective is to maximize your sales by creating a great game that combines the correct genre and subject and selling it to the correct demographic on the correct platform. It might feel complicated at first, but it is fun enough that you'll be willing to overcome the slight learning curve.
While creating a hit game is fun, its the not-so-obscure inside references really put this title over the top. As a developer, you can create the top tier games for a console. It also gives you the opportunity to rewrite history, making your favorite former console the king of its generation. For a gamer who's been a gamer for years all of this will come out to be hilarious. If your not interested in gaming, or young enough not to know, the humor may be lost.
Another note is that the game was originally developed for non-touch mobile phones and ported. You can also tell that the game was originally Japanese. Still the game plays fine and the humor makes it through. I would have liked a slight expansion that allows for multiple simultaneous projects. Even as is, its the most fun I've ever had with an iPhone game and would encourage everyone who frequents this site to buy it.
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