NeonNinja gave me the idea for this blog. You can see his original post here.
So, I've had a 360 for a while. If I remember correctly, I got it shortly after I got married in 2006. That was almost a year after it launched. I didn't want to buy one, but since the only contribution I made to towards the purchase was my original Xbox and my brother paid the rest of the $399 price, I couldn't refuse. Since then I've played a lot of games on the system. The following is a list of the 10 360 games I have the fondest memories of.
10. Army of Two- Reviewers found reasons to complain, but Army of Two does exactly what it set out to do. It is a top notch co-op experience, and is very fun to play local with a friend. I still get a little excited just thinking about some of the intense sequences in the game. The last boss was also very tough and very fun.
9. Lips- This game may or may not be as good as its PS3 counterpart Singstar, but it hits me just right. The no fail aspect makes it so anyone can play, even my two year old. Also, the non-competitive nature makes it fun to play with my wife. The song selection is good too.
8. Castle Crashers- This XBLA title is one more example of my love of co-op. Despite being a download there has been a lot of hours put into this quirky beat-em-up.
7. Resident Evil 5- The high production values on this game and the high replay value make this a title that easily wins me over. Oh yeah, its co-op too.
6. Braid- The greatest game on XBLA! Its amazing! Braid is perfect in every single way. This puzzle/platformer shoudl not be missed (it can be downloaded now on Steam).
5. Blue Dragon- The most under appriciate RPG on the 360. The game did some really smart things with the visible enemies, Field Barrier, and the Encouter Circle. The checkpoints before bosses are a great idea too. If only other RPGs could learn from what this game did right. We'd all be better for it.
4. Halo 3- You knew it would be on here. Probably the most hyped game ever, and yet it still manages to live up to it in my mind. The multiplayer is exceptional, and, in case you've forgotten, the campaign is co-op.
3. Mass Effect- Mass Effect is a revelation of how great storytelling in a Video Game can be. The game is fun to play, but stands out further because no other title has ever matched its narritive. Hopefully Mass Effect 2 can live up to its predicessor.
2. Lost Planet- The quirky japanese campaign on this game reminds me of old school titles like Mega Man other Capcom clas.ics. Its fun and incredibly hard on the higher difficulties. It also has one of the most enjoyable online experiences I've ever played.
1. Shadowrun- If you've read any of my most recent Blogs you should have expected this. Shadowrun is a multiplayer only game, but it is the most in depth and unique competitive shooter ever made. I've spent an unknown, but extremely large, amount of time on this title and I'm no where near done with it.
Some games that just missed the top 10, in no peticular order: Dynasty Warriors: Gundam, Quantum of Solace, Earth Defense Force 2017, Pac Man Championship Edition, and Catan.
Writting this list has made me realise a few things. Mainly that I really like co-op. Another thing though is that I seem to like 3rd person shooters more than First Person. Finally, although a few of these games did score well with reviewers, there are many that didn't. I like to think it shows that I'm an independant thinker who's not afraid to make his own decision about things. It could also just mean that I'm weird.