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New Game Purchase

Well, since my 360 has died I've been dieing for some great gaming. I've thought about buying a new computer game but haven't because I have yet to find one I really enjoy. Another problem with a PC game is that a lot of the games I want are also on the 360, where they run better (than MY computer), have xbox live, and have achievements. Well, I got a $25 reward certificate for all my amazon shopping and figured it would be a good start toward that game purchase I wanted.

If any of you know me really well you would know I'm an Amazon junkie and have an extensive list of all the items I want there. Well, I looked over my lists and I had a lot to consider. I considered Command and Conquer 3 for a mere $30, $5 with the gift certificate. That was pretty tempting. Also, I had several new games I wanted: Mass Effect, Eternal Sonata, Orange Box, and Burnout Paradise. Any of those would only be $35. Also I had been considering getting some computer games including Gears of War PC, but this was less tempting knowing I should have my 360 back soon.

Anyway, its not often that I get to buy a new game so it was a tough decision for me, but I finally decided on the one that I want. I went ahead a put the money on Mistwalker's soon to be released Lost Odyssey. I haven't seen any reviews or know of anyone who's gotten to play this game, but I'm optimistic. I'm a sucker for a Japanese RPG. When I saw they were offering a free extra mission and free items with a preorder, I bit. I loved Blue Dragon and I don't think it is posisble for this game to be reviewed any worse. So that's the choice I made. It should be sent out on the 12th and I'll get it within a day or two after that. I'm looking foreward to it.