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Spider-Man: Friend or Foe Reviewed!

Spider-Man FoF is one of those games your six year cousin will tirelessly enjoy playing, to the point of annoyance. That isn't to say it is not fun. While playing through your first time, you're bound to have at least a few hours of entertainment. However, after a while the repetitive enemies and levels will wear down even the most dedicated gamers.

The game consists of several stages where your characters are blocked by a door and you have to defeat all the enemies to open the door. Repeat that about a hundred times and you have the entirety of the game. To break up the monotony there are boss fights which are usually fun and some "secrets" to collect. These secrets are usually placed right in the open and can be picked up in your first run through without any dedicated searching.

There is also some character leveling. In each stage you'll earn points that can be used to make your characters stronger or buy new moves. As you progress in the game, Spider-Man will unlock access to helper characters. Some are fellow heroes and some a villains, but either way they don't have many complaints about joining your team. In a single player game you can switch to the helper with the Y button. In two player mode the second player always controls the helper. The helpers each have their own move set and some are more useful than others, but none of them get the variety of abilities that Spider-Man has, so in single player they're not that useful.

There are some things I really like about this game. The graphics are surprisingly likable. The backgrounds and characters are all quite colorful and that keeps the game's atmosphere fun. The character attacks are also animated quite well. The game is also set up for an arcade sty1e join-in/drop-out system for the second player. Since the game is most enjoyable with two people this is pretty helpful. The games narration in the story is also quite enjoyable, even though it is a little childish at times.

The bad parts of the game mostly consist of the repetitive nature and the extremely easy difficulty. It is only possible to die in a boss fight. In the game's stages if you run out of health or jump off the stage you just respawn with a little less cash. If you run out of cash you just respawn, no penalty. Fighting in the game can be reduced down to simple button mashing. Also, there is no online support for second player and surprisingly this game is limited to only two people at a time (no local 4 player).

Overall, the game is a good rental and a simple way to spend a weekend. Easy Achievements might be enough to draw some people, and I had fun getting them. I had a friend play though with me though. If you're looking for younger kids this might be just what they're looking for. Don't blame me if you get bored watching them kill the same enemies over and over again.


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