No, I wasn't crazy enough to get up at 4 AM to try and find a $250 laptop. The deal I found was even better for me. I was out by my old office, mostly because it is right next to the grocery store where I do all my shopping, and they've been closed for a while, but I always look back with a little bit of longing. Don't get me wrong, I hated my job there, but there were good people who worked there and it seems like a waste to have a nice office with such potential to go to waste. Anyway, there are people working their now cleaning it out for whoever might be want to buy it.
While I was looking, I noticed they had a "Warehouse Sale" sign up and couldn't pass up the opportunity to walk into the building one more time. Well it was a pretty serious sale, of course a lot of things were gone, but anything that wasn't bolted down, and many things that were could be purchased. I could have bought my old cubicle if I had wanted, but I definitly didn't want to. One thing they did have that I really did want were surge protectors with battery back-ups. I bought 2 for $10 each.
A little cleaner than mine, but otherwise exactly the same.
Normally these things sell for $70 each, so I'm pretty happy. Now I've got my PC and all the connections on it on battery back up. As a bonus, I've also got my 360 on battery back up. So if the power goes out, I'll be able to finish my match on Xbox Live and then quit, or be able to find a save in Tales of Vesperia (I would hate to lose my progress). That is of course in addition to the surge protecting I've always had on my equipment.
And no... I'm not saving these for Christmas. Now if only we could have a power outtage. :lol: