Having a PS3 reminded me of its older smaller sibling, which I have always owned and neglected. Well, I decided to unlock its prison and let the PSP see daylight. I'm immediately reminded as to why I never use the thing, the game selection sucks!There are a few worthwhile titles here and there, but the current PSP library is either overpriced or outright terrible.
When the PSP came out in 2004, I was wowed. The graphics were impressive and the portable had 6 whole buttons! It was the best thing to happen to on-the-go gaming at the time. Now, there has been so much to happen and portable gaming has moved way beyond what the PSP can do. The DS has undergone a revision and has improved capabilities and touch controls, and the iPod Touch has become an impressive gaming device with a large selection of affordable games. I don't see how the PSP is supposed to be competitive anymore.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. I've never been a big on mobile gaming, but despite the PSPgo, I think the PSP is done. Still, I probably would be happy to buy a PSP2, if they came out with one. For now, I'll just stick with consoles. I know the DS is out there, but I don't like it either. Unlike the PSP though the DS is making tons of money for its company so it would be stupid to suuggest they abandon it (especially since the DSi does improve the hardware). I'm also waiting on that Microsoft portable, but I don't think we will ever see one. What do you think?