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Viva Pinata is DEAD! It was killed by Rainbow SIx.

For some time, I have been playing Viva Pinata on and off trying to finish out the achievements. It has been one of the few Xbox 360 games I have been really glad to own (others include Halo 3, Perfect Dark, and Lost Planet). Just to give you some history, when I fist started playing Viva Pinata I feel in love with it simple colorful charm and wrote some lengthy and very positive reviews. Anyway, I finally was able to finish out the games achievements.

The achievement for 50 hours of playtime is a waste. I found it quite easy to collect all the pinata and breed them in much less time. Of course, that is the trend with VP, most of the achievements make no sense and are based around things you would never do. For example, you get an achievement for scaring off a ruffian with a mallowolf pinata, but you can simply prevent ruffians from coming into your garden with a sword statue (which I believe is what the achievement should be for). To get the final award, I couldn't take it anymore, I just left the game on overnight. My garden is worth 1 million chocolate coins. The fact that that isn't enough to finish off the game is actually slightly offensive.

So, I'm done with VP. If anyone cares I can give you any pinata for free. I have all of them. Otherwise, I'm not turning the game back on. Now I've got a new on-and-off romance, Rainbow Six: Vegas. I've had the game for a long time and never played it, and considered trading it in. With the 2nd gaming coming out my interrest was renewed. The game is actually pretty fun and my brother and I are working through the game on co-op on Realistic. I'll probably try the online too, so I can finish out the achievements (of course).

The game isn't perfect. I personally think the graphics are horrible. In single player they're more tolerable, but it doesn't have a clue what to do in split screen. Add in some pretty ugly textures and some fog or dust to cover it all up and you've about got the idea of how it looks. The sound seems to more than make up for the graphical problems. Although, with two people playing you're always looking around paranoid because you hear terroists near your team-mate.

Also, I'm playing through Eragon. People warned me that it is a horrible game, but the online forums seemed to all agree it was an easy 1k achievements. The only problem is that they didn't mention that the whole time you're playing it you will want to gouge out your eyes and eyes because of how horrible it is. The games is easy, but the enemies are made so they can take so many hits it is just plain stupid. Eragon has to be the worst movie game I've played ever.

So thats a little bit on how my gaming is going right now. Let me know what you think.