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Why MS will not make 360 games on Blu-Ray

While I'll admit the possibilty of Microsoft releasing a Blu-Ray add on for the Xbox 360, it is totally ridiculous to suggest they might be releasing games on Blu-Ray in THIS console generation. There is a small possibilty of Microsoft making an Xbox 360 with a Blu-Raydrive built in, but I personally doubt it. Even if that is the case the games will still be on DVD. There is no reason Microsoft would abandon their large install base unless they're moving into the next generation console.

For those who don't know, a Blu-Ray add-on to play games is a horrible idea. Their are already serveral work-arounds if a DVD does not have enough storage for a game. One is compression, which I'm sure has been used in different ways already on the 360 and compression technology, like all technologies, continues to improve. There is always the option of multiple disc too. Lost Odyssey is on four discs, and that doesn't detract from the game in any way. Another option is using space on the hard-drive for the extra content, but this one probably will only be used for additional downloadable content (not included in the retail version). Beyond those reasons, there is always the video game truth: ADD-ONS FOR GAMES DO NOT WORK! The Sega CD is probably the most comparable idea; it added storage without changing the processing power of the system. For those of you who have no idea what the Sega CD is, look it up on wiki. For the poor few of you who, like me, actually owned a Sega CD, you have my pity.

Check your history before making silly accusations. Blu-Ray games on the 360 is NOT going to happen. Maybe in the Next Xbox, but maybe not. As much as I'm sure that Microsoft games is hard at work at the next system, they're still wanting to milk as much money as possible out of their current model. The way they'll be able to do that is continue to release great games for at least a couple more years. So far it doesn't look like they'll have any problems doing that, even though they're using the "horribly outdated" DVD medium.