Hello fellow players of Europe Nordic & East!
This thread is the introduction for our 'casual-gaming' community Zealot Gaming. The total community currently has approximately 670 active members (and stil growing rapidly) spread over a variety of games. More than 300 members are divided amongst LoL EU, NA and OCE servers, of which around 80 are Nordic & East members. We are formed by gamers, for gamers and we are looking for like-minded people! So if you're looking to get more out of LoL than a simple match history and socializing within a well-sized community, then you might take interest in Zealot Gaming!
Why should you join us?
We have several reasons, however competitive gaming should not be one of them in particular because we are a casual gaming community, however there are quite a few ranked teams made by the Zealot Gaming members.But still our players initially join us for a social experience or at least to get 'more out of the game than just playing'.
So if you are tired of playing alone or tired of ragers, leavers, then this community might be something for you! Make friends, find team mates and most importantly, have fun!
What do we offer for you?
Aside from the basic clan advantages that we offer we also host gamenights weekly, consisting of both Fun and Serious Gamenights and our new edition training gamenights where we have "mentors" from the diamond tear who spectates your game and tells you some tips and their overall opinnion about your performance, to satisfy our members' needs. These start at 19:00 CET/CEST and go on for as long as interest remains.
Occasionally we offer tournaments such as 1v1 and 2v2 but also other events, 5v5's have not worked out in the past because we do not have enough stable ranked teams as this is mainly a casual clan.There are also quite some I.E. Best Ziggs or LeBlanc 1 vs 1 tournaments.
We also offer a friendly community that we strive to keep rage-free at all times!
And last but definitely not least! We offer complete versatility as we are a multi-gaming clan with several other games as Divisions such as Battlefield 4, Dota, Smite, Counter strike, Minecraft and some more Trial Divisions and Gaming Groups. Meaning you can always join fellow clanmates in any other game you would like!
How to join our community?
To join our community you must register on our forum/site and then apply for the EUNE division:http://www.zealotgaming.com/index.php/join. After this an officer will review your application and contact you to further introduce you to the ways of our clan. If you have any questions add us, the Leadership team, in-game, skype or just come to our teamspeak and poke us and someone will come to your aid.
PS: If you add us on skype tell us why you want to add us I.E. : Hello. I want to join zG and I have some question.Please accept my friend request. Otherwise we might not accept you...
EUNE Division Leadership and Contact
[zG]Miahoo - Division Leader
IGN: MiahooJ
SKYPE : themiahoo
[zG]ZeleKolac - Division Officer
IGN: ŽeleKolač
SKYPE : greglzzz
[zG]Stoneheart22 - Division Officer
IGN: Stoneheart22
SKYPE : zedikous22
[zG]JagodniKondom - Division Officer
IGN : JagodniKondom
SKYPE : jakob.petek4
[zG]Ecstasy - Division Officer
IGN : zG Ecstasy
SKYPE : Dan Hex
Other useful information
Our rules and policies
Clan structure
Justice system - We do not tolerate rage, flaming or in general unfriendly behavior. Any members who do this will get warnings which may result into a ban from the Forum and Teamspeak.
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