ask your dad, and go to school for petes sake.....
zideeq's forum posts
I'm glad you agree, I also want people to know I'm not some saddo who sits on his PC all day with a crappy job, I've accomplished many things and have been a crazy gamer since I was like 5! and when you begin to notice symbolism, the SAME symbolism since those old games like Zelda, Metal Gear solid Deus Ex, Half Life, Timesplitters, the list goes on........the so called conspiracy theory begins to unravel, if this was a conspiracy theory then why has the symbolism remained present from day one? from movies to never changes........
Oh come on I don't belieev that 2012 nonsense, however look back at history of all the idiots who never believed in conspiracies, apart from the alien and 2012 ones, which ones were true? CIA drugged it's own civilians with LSD?in the early 1900s You would call me a nutter 30+ years later it turns out to be true.......... MK Ultra - don't get me started.... The Mafia - Denied by many and the ones who said they exist were called loons who watch too many movies........ Asbestos and it's relation to cancer..... I can go on......
So just watched literally the first 30 seconds and what do we have here, a door reading 32 just before some ones name on a passport with the sir name MASON....
Y'know I'm hoping for someone to say coincidence or they like to insult your intelligence or whatever, ha ha, yeah right, I'm sick of this crap in every new game out I'm beginning to believe that this conspiracy thing is real..........
about 7-8 times out of ten I agree with REVIEWS
I didn't agree with the following games listed as reviewd by GS:
-Sonic Adventure 2 (MUSIC WAS AWESOME and it suited the game well and I HATE ROCK, JROCK and MAINSTREAM POP!!!)
-Headhunter (Dreamcast or PS2) (this game was immersive as any 3rd person I've ever played!! the final boss is COOL)
-Guardian Heroes (Sega Saturn, GS made no review!!!!) (this game is Streets of rage plus a bit of RPG style story! CLASSIC!)
-Gaiares (Genesis, Sega Megadrive) (this game had the best music if not THE best music of any megadrive game!)
That's enough...
I can't stand the crappy XP animation everytime you kill, it's so cheap, like a powerpoint animation.
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