Looks like a STALKER re-boot. On the plus side, eastern European developers usually turn out games that are more challenging than their western counterparts, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I agree with what appears to be the general consensus that this is a bad decision. I'm a paying member of GS, and my primary interest is in the game forums...the list of Favorites I've compiled over 8 years, the names and faces I look for, etc. NOW you're telling me that I basically have to start from scratch? Rebuild lists, wait for more members to migrate, whatever? Man, that's bad. At least I can save $40 bucks when my renewal comes due.
A "commercial" ??? How do you figure? Every program listed is free, and I personally use several of them and find them very useful. And so WHAT if it's only helpful to newbs? Don't they deserve a break? Not everyone is a geek gear-head...I'm not a newb, but I still got a useful tip or two out of this post. Like my 107 year old granny used to say, "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."
There's obviously a ton of people who found it helpful, so keep your thoughts to yourself, Lordof ultima. (Or what's next...you're going to imply that all the posters who liked the article are idiots, right?)
lol...geeez, jmz803...with an impressive rig like that, you BETTER be able to run this, or any game available, without a hitch. Otherwise, the developers are out of control. Regarding the textures...even at low, they look pretty dam good.
WTF??? I had my Nvidia 6800GT card installed a year ago when I ordered my Alienware computer, and it was considered fairly high-end. Now a year later it doesn't even make the Mainstream list? Are you freakin' kidding me? Are these new cards that much better?
ziegd's comments