Ok, here are my thoughts on the new Harry Potter film....
It was OK, not the best one in the series definately. A little dissapointing. If you hadn't read the book before seeing this movie, you probrably walked out of the theatre a bit confused. I'm not going to spoil anything and if you read the book prior to seeing the film then you'd be walking out of the theatre a little mad. They changed SO MANY things that were totally unecessary. And these changes weren't to make the film shorter, no, they were added for no reason. They eve replaced a scene with another, didn't explain somethings that were important, and drasticly altered a scene in which you'd be wondering why didn't he do this or why didn't he scream bloody murder and things like that. It all didn't make any sense. Well apart from that, there weren't too many action scenes. Most of the film felt like a chick flick which really bugs me. The film was the darkest one yet. It was incredibly dark for a PG rating and I still wonder why it was rated that. The acting was great as usual and even the new (well not so new anymore, he took over after the old one died after the second movie) felt more too me like Dumbledore to me instead of the loud, angry Dumbledore he was in the previous installmants. The special effects were great too as expected from a HP film. Apart from that there's nothing really to say about the movie except that if your a fan of the books, you'll walk out of the theatre a little more pissed than you would be walking out of the other ones.
Overall 6/10 stars
Currently wanting to see:
District 9
Toy Story 1 & 2 special screening in 3-D