In my most simplest form, i like to think of myself as a teenage mutant ninja turtle. I enjoy pizza, movies, music, girls, weed, beer pong, L rides, comics and video games. Throughout my High School career, my goal was to work as least as possible and still maintain good grades. I was always very respectful towards my teacher, often having very interesting conversations about how what we were learning in class related to a popular movie, book, or fad at the time. My parents always complained that i spent too much time playing video games, reading comics, watching movies or going out. The classic line was, "you have all this potential and your throwing it down the drain." I always told them that they were overreacting and that life was about happiness, and memories, not about working one's ass off so he could keep up with the jones's. About two months ago i found out that i had been accepted to NYU's General studies program. All the effort i had put in, all the fights with my parents, all the %$#@ i went through in High School eventually payed off. I always though life was about enjoying one's self, having a good time and trying to improve the lives of those around you. How money was not that important, that happiness and good health were the most important thing. Just this weekend, i had an epiphany of sorts (yes i was sober, this is not some stoned epiphany.) The most important thing in life is maximizing ones potential and making the most of ones God given gifts. If one is very smart but lazy, it is not ok to go to a decent college and have a run of the mil job. Life is about maximizing your gifts, making the most of what you have and other people would die for. As your reading this, don't think im some kid who got into a prestigious university and thinks hes the %$#@. Please think about what your gifts are, think about what you are doing and what you can do in your God given Capacity.
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