Yes, after starting this collection back in 1999, I recently completed the original Metal Gear Solid action figure series by getting the last figure, Raven. I was able to collect the other seven figures back during that year, but failed to find Raven. I believe Raven was the harder one to find because of the sheer size of the figure. Raven is a big dude, and adding his weapon to the package probably made him the most expensive figure in the series for McFarlane Toys to manufacture. After a few months of searching through local stores, I gave up on trying to collect him. Flashing forward to November of 2007, I had the random thought popped into my mind of finishing the series and I did a quick search on eBay. I found him in mint condition on eBay. Yay eBay!
It defiantly feels nice to have completed this task that took almost a decade to do!