GTAIV 8 or 9 sure. 10 no way. Online still doesn't even work for half the people myself included unless I host.
Bioshock once done um yeah nothing here story was its driving factoer and now you know it. Both endings were dissapoiting.
Assains Creed do this do that kill this guy repeat again again agian and agian. Fighting was also repeated cutscenes.
GOW alittle bit. Its multiplayer aspect mostly.
MGS 4. Once again reviews went rampant and said we needed another 10 game when it wasn't that. Half the cutscenes could have been ingame.
Oblivian kinda a grand theft auto situation. Morrowind was apparently better in every way ,but graphics according to everyone I know. Never played Morrowind so not real sure just leave it alone if you think I'm wrong I don't care.
Half life series while I'm playing 2 and the second half is starting to get good I can't believe the first half was so boring. This game reminds of the book to Kill a Mocking Bird the first half I wanted to blow my brains out ,but without it the second half wouldn't have been so good.
Stars Wars TFU demo was fun and I probably buy it ,but you star wars fans act like that series is the bible and Darth Vader is your god. Its great and all ,but come on.
Now I'm not the biggest Halo fan ,but Halo 3 is not that overrated in my opion (which is fact according to the internet). I believe 90% of the world hates it and screams it overrated so how could it be.
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