Hey,does anyone else see the same pattern from 3 years ago,when doom 3 came out early autumn,half life 2 in november and halo 2 at about the same time?i'm saying bioshock is the modern equivalent of doom 3(dark indoors enviroments,horror themed story),crysis,coming out in november is like HL2(eventhough it's a successor to Far Cry,i'mtalking about release dates,but also in graphics,physics,outdoors enviroments,alien invaders and the likes),and halo 3 is...halo 3.
Anyways,i have no xbox to play halo 3,so all i have to guide my opinion are numbers:halo 3 alreadyhas 1.5 milion preorders,just in the USA.The story,thefamiliar but satisfying gameplay,and the sheer mass of customization options makes Halo 3 the winner.
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