First I would like to review the good things:
And now to the bad things:
1. Some moderator post in another thread how people should stop ranting and start posting feedback, and how it's a new site so they shouldn't complain about all the bugs. Seriously? My answer is: GameSpot should have definitely launched a beta before forcing it on all users. If it's due to legal issues, then notify the dedicated users who came here for years, some of us paid for it (and I have a little surprise for you at last two lines of this post).
2. I can't log in with my regular account. I tried to log in with google, but it says that account is already used up. I try the "forgot password" rout and it says the same address doesn't exist! So now I'm forced to use a different account just to post this.
3. I've encountered the 500/404 error at least 8 times trying to get here. Edit: 15 between posting it and trying to view it.
4. All pages I've been to load very slowly. I have a good connection, so that's no excuse.
5. Layout looks like gmail's "comfortable" display setting, taking too much free space. But that's a personal preference, I guess.
6. I have no more ideas since I haven't searched the siteany further because of all the error screens and console-level loading times.I don't think I'll be back here, but this feedback is for GameSpot people to take into consideration.
In conclusion, Gamespot staff have a lot of work to do and I'm glad my premium membershipgot canceled due to credit card expiration, before I had to pay for this sh*t.
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