Not really been upto much lately, trying to finish some games that I want to trade in to help me afford Wii Fit. I managed to sit through the insanely boring CSI game, and now I'm just trying to get through the insanely fiddley Lost game, hopefully I'll finish it this weekend. Still, I like to finish games to 100% if I can before trading them in or I think I might regret it later, but really I don't think I'll miss those two games at all! Wii Fit will put me on until Rock Band (look it's okay, I'm getting it for £130 so shh) then once I'm bored of that hopefully I might actually get to finish some of my other games like Mass Effect, Halo 3 and the other games that live in my pile of unloved & unplayed games, getting dusty!
Me & my boyfriend got Mario Kart Wii aswell after we went to Game at about 9am on Saturday (possibly the earliest we've ever been up ever!), which is really fun. I've given up with the Wii Wheel though, I'm just using the C-lassic Controller now, which I prefer seeing as I actually win when I play with it! I tried out the multiplayer and I was impressed, it was really easy to do, lag free and...I came first! I played online with my boyfriend too, he lost repeatedly but claims it was haxx and he'd kick my bum if we played 'locally'...but I disagree :)
Sadly, I'm also supremely excited about Rock Band, I don't want to be, but getting it for £50 less was just too good to pass up really and I'm splitting the cost so reeeally its only £65, it's about what I'd been epecting to pay (the £130, not £65 lol). I've been watching videos about it, thinking about what my character might look like, what downloadable content I'd get, I got my boyfriend involved despite much grumbling about how it's too early, asking what his character would look like, what our band should be called etc. etc. I have a feeling he'll be annoyed when we get it because I'll be trying to make every detail perfect and he'll just want to play the game lol I have a 4 day holiday from work starting the day it comes out so hopefully it'll arrive on time from Play, or my holiday will be pretty much wasted! Has anyone else given up and decided £130 is fairly reasonable?