there comes a time when one person has had enough with failure. my time came yesterday when i received 360 number three, via ups, and it didn't work.
i bought my first 360 at launch. i waited in the cold overnight in order to get one of the few 360's available. i thought about selling it on ebay, but i really wanted to play it. from the beginning of 360 number one's life, the dvd drive made a lot of noise. i complained to xbox support, and they replaced it.
360 number two arrived quickly. it worked. i was happy. about 3 months later, it died. xbox support sent me another return box, and i sent number two back.
360 number three arrived yesterday. it worked until i tried to open the disc tray. it wouldn't open. clunk.....clunk.....clunk..... is the only sound it made. i have a movie here. so i called some friends to tell them that number three was broken. then i called xbox support. they said that they would put in a request for a new console to be sent to me, since it was the third broken 360. we shall see.
right now, i'm not mad or frustrated. but i am concerned that microsoft continues to replace defective 360's with more defective 360's.