zoo3 / Member

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g4 is dead

like a big, fat, stinking, cow carcass, g4 is dead. when they made a jump from techTV to g4 they almost stayed alive. i for one, wasn't bothered by the loss of more pc and tech related shows, but they were nice. but g4 could not keep an audience. they just couldn't get it together. then they started introducing some of the worst shows ever such as fastlane. what does that show have to do with gaming? and their shows that cover cars and such just don't relate at all to games. i can see that some gamers may be into drifting or custom cars, but g4 slowly started the massive exclusion of its core audience. then they brought in star trek. woop-dee-doo. then they did a redesign of one of their decent shows, attack of the show, and it became a mess. icons is now a show dedicated to people that g4 considers to be icons of culture not of video games. they also added new and annoying talent, especially layla kaleigh (the tv can not remain on if i hear her voice or see her). olivia munn i can deal with. add all of that plus the addition of midnight spank and its crummy lineup of shows, including cheaters (and that's not cheats for games), and the result is spikeTV version 2.0. g4 is dead. thankfully, we still have a place of refuge in gamespot and other game sites.