zoo3 / Member

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indestructible ipod

well, it may not be indestructible, but it is very scratch resistant now. i bought a nano about 3 weeks ago, and feared getting scratches on it. one reason i didn't buy the black nano was because it really shows off the scratches. but now, thanks to some company out there selling this great protective film, my nano is about 97% covered and protected. if you want to know the company's name, send me a message. i don't want this to become a huge promo for that comapny. it just might break some of the gamespot rules. my point here is to share with the gamespot community that if you want protection for your ipod, it is out there. and it works. i can take my key and scratch it across the ipod surface, and the ipod is left untouched. i have some pics to share. props go out to da man [aka ian] for taking these awesome close-up pics with a mega million dollar camera.

here is the first pic. just a simple straight on view of the nano with the protective film on it. notice that you can't see it, except for the outline of its edge along the top of the click wheel [note: you can also get one that covers the entire face, but i really like being able to feel the wheel]

next, is the pic that shows that there is a bumpy texture on the film that shows up at certain angles, but believe me, it is no distraction, especially when the screen is lit up.

last is the pic to show that the film wraps around the sides and leaves just a little bit of the corners exposed.

so, for anyone who would like to keep their ipod looking good and give it some protection, i'd suggest picking up something like this. also note that the film doesn't hinder the ipod use and functionality with other accessories. peace out.