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my 50 cents

did anyone see the quote from scholarly rap star, 50 cent, that promoted his game as ok for kids? in case you missed it, i'll quote it from the feb 2006 issue of play magazine. "50 cent who told Reuters that his game is OK for kids, and could be used to teach them life lessons. 'just because it is rated mature doesn't mean you shouldn't buy it for your kids,' .... 'play the game and explain to them what they are playing.' ...Er, so that would be a gun and that would be the dead guy you shot with it. any questions?" well, mr 50 cent let's take a look at some shots from your game and see what we could tell kids they are playing:

50 cent and his buddies are just asking for some lunch money.

50 cent decided to cure that guys painful headache. what a pal.

50 cent joined the local gun club so he wouldn't get caught up in a gang.

if you want the entire Reuters article, go here -->