yeah, vista is so bad that microsoft is supposedly putting out the next generation of windows in 2010, leaving vista, with a lifespan, that in my opinion is too long.
forget back-compat. ps2 games look like doo-doo on the ps3. i almost sold my ps2, and i'm glad i didn't. i don't even play my ps3. i'm usually too busy dusting it with a swiffer and wishing there were actually games for it that i didn't already own on the 360. it really sucks they are giving pal users the shaft. but that's sony for you. oh, and shadowbass989, you're right 360's do break down, but so does every other console. i went through 3 ps2's. i can't wait until my 600 dollar dust collector freezes up from collecting too much dust.
i played the demo first on the 360. then i played it on the pc. the pc version seems to be better, especially the graphics. but the down side on the pc is the lack of 5.1. i think i'd get it for the pc, and then rent it on 360 if i really want the points. i went the way of the pc for quake 4, since it was far superior to the 360 version. that and i got it free from evga. :)
..1.. ninja gaiden black - with all that free time, i just might beat the hardest difficulty ..2.. half-life 2 (pc)- so i can play with physics/mods ..3.. mercenaries (xbox) - to get my explosions fix ..4.. we love katamari - so i can relax after spearfishing ..5.. shadow of the colossus - i will make it to the garden!!!
i've got a pc with a 3.4, 2 gigs ram, evga 7800 gt co and a dell 2400fpws monitor. btw- the dell monitor will also double as an up to 1080i hi-def monitor. i also have a 360. i played the prey demo first on the 360. i thought it looked good. then i played the demo on the pc. HUGE difference in the way it looks. and the controls, to me, feel just as easy on the 360 as on the pc. i think i'll play the whole thing on the 360 just so i can get some achievement points. if it were not for the points, there would be no contest, and i'd play the pc version. i totally played quake 4 on the pc, because it looked a heck of a lot better and played better. the points didn't matter on that one.
final fantasy spirits within is a great example of this so called uncanniness. now there was a movie that had many photorealistic shots. but i was pulled out of the movie to reality whenever i watched a segment where an animator had given one of the characters a "thunderbirds" look. anyone remember that show? the way the FF characters would move and talk was as if they were puppets on strings. but when they were doing scenery shots or mocap, the movie looked great. this uncanniness is even more noticeable when you're an animator. ignorance is bliss in some areas of life.
for those who doubt the king of the hill status the new intel chips have, read the review and tests at the well respected site there you can find more than just frame rates. and don't worry AMD fans, Damon Muzny from AMD says they will drop chip prices. so hey, AMD will still be more appealing to budget-minded pc geeks and normies.
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