I thought I should write a few words on the revolution of RPGs that is turning JRPGs in the wrong direction.
First of all, there are millions of gamers that fell in love with the good old Final Fantasy series, Chrono Cross, Legend Of Dragoon, Shin Megami series and so on... I am one of those millions. My heart is breaking apart when I see that all the good stories and gameplay elements are being left behind and all the world is getting oriented towards Western style RPGs especially FPRPGs.
Most successful Japanese companies became famous for their masterpieces. Those masterpieces formed a new genre that was called JRPG. The real joy of these games was the story and the universe that the games were created in with all the epic scenes and places, second the battle system, third all the magic. Today most of the same developers and publishers either don't exist anymore or are oriented towards Western audiences leaving us JRPG fans in the dust with our ideals of RPG gaming.
Square-Enix fell into the same trap of creating a Final Fantasy that would appeal to the Western audience and found that people didn't like it that much. That's right, you guessed it, I'm talking about Final Fantasy XIII. The jumping in the story from timeline to timeline is just something that western TV series do, it shouldn't be in a JRPG because the story is just hard to follow. The other thing is that you control only one member of the team, all JRPG fans will agree when I say that it is a bad decision. The battle system would have been better left like it was back in FFVII or FFVIII with the introduction to additions (combos with button prompt) from Legend Of Dragoon, or making the battle system the way it works in the gameplay trailer of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Ok, enough about FFXIII, I could write some more suggestions on making the next FF game better.
I think I made my point on the matter, stating it loud and clear:
JRPGs are made of epic stories, epic battles, epic characters, epic worlds and breathtaking and sometimes tearful endings. All of it with a party of characters declaring war against their fate.
What are your opinions and thoughts on this matter?
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