Who are these Japanese, they should understand this. It seems strange?
Its clearly as befoore , as with the wii U that did fail.. as we all know. They are now planing to make this zelda game for yes i got a wii U also , but they are making zelda for wii U , and thats going to be another upscale game only for the NX?
witch means the zelda game are not going to have what all want a new nice graphics. it will be just like the Zelda remakes last year. beacouse now its 2017 when Nx is here, not wii U upscale time 2017. but a hole new year and a holde new better time Nintedo?
even i want to se as promise a zelda to my wii U. But i eighter would skip it! hell yeah! so they can consentrate on a success with the NX and NX zelda! Nintendo seems stupid almost to me last 3 years?
Who are these Japanese, they should understand this. It seems strange?
Its clearly as befoore , as with the wii U that did fail.. as we all know. They are now planing to make this zelda game for yes i got a wii U also , but they are making zelda for wii U , and thats going to be another upscale game only for the NX?
witch means the zelda game are not going to have what all want a new nice graphics. it will be just like the Zelda remakes last year. beacouse now its 2017 when Nx is here, not wii U upscale time 2017. but a hole new year and a holde new better time Nintedo?
even i want to se as promise a zelda to my wii U. But i eighter would skip it! hell yeah! so rthey can consetrate success the NX and NX zelda! Nintendo seems stupid almost to me last 3 years?
I Will never given up my new nintendo gamepad. the bad in this review is that the : bad is not the bad, maybe 2 out of 20 is bad. no no no , by this on wii u if u did not allready play it on pcor ps or what ever . the wii u is the best. nothing to talk abot. the wii u i actually virituel reality without the helmet. som wii u effects are in VR. so thump up for futures consoles 2 . this pulls us close to VR whats nxt? i hope helmet to see true and a gun to shoot with... it should be possible to fix this add ons accessory. sorry my english Sux. :))
i like graphics and a good game. the grapichs is really importen and then the game should be good to play as this, but the graphics seems to sux tho..........
its all about swords now? Not another asassin creed game action like? i played MGS since it was called MG only. it always included a Snake character and it was alwayes a bit of reality in the sci-fi story (gamestory). And equipment was always hi-tech/kind of reality armory an so on...
If the game is played with a sword and like this trailer- action game?, i will not buy it! i played all MG(nintendo) and MGS(PS,Pc) games . and to this date i LOVE THEM ALL----)))
I got quad coore cpu tweeked too 3.6 (4x3.6ghz cpus) 8mb cash. 8800GTX ,4 GIG crosshairdominator ram (1100mhz) and still i need to play in 1280x1024 on high specs too play this game with nice FPS. dont rush out now get ur self a new PC for this game yet, or atleast dont get ur self a 8800 gtx card . the pc is good for now , but u must whait to get a video card that are realy up to CRY and not to disepoint u - the next generations of new games like Crysis. 8800 can Play crysis but only near death. a new game like this will kill ur new 3000dollar pc or it will kill ur 8800 card. so get ur self a quad or dual or somthing, but dont rush to buy 8800 ,whait for a new nvida/ATI card if u wanna stay in the buisness longer than just one game in only high specs (not very high)
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