So I reached the 90 mark in eggs for a modest Eevee. Still nothing.
So I'm stopping for now.
I'm changing around my party.
Tyranitar ---> Mamoswine
Milotic ---> ??? Need a flying type but I also need water, but don't really need a MIlotic because it only uses water moves + ice beam. Maybe Gyarados even though it doesn't use flying moves. Suggestions?
So I'm trying to get a naughty (Atk+, Sp. Def-) Swinub which shouldn't be too hard because I had so many naughty Eevees. I think I'm on #4, so that isn't bad... yet.
I'm naming it Swine Flu once I get it.
It's kinda punny. Swine - Swinub. Swine Flu - it's a pig Pokemon, swine flu comes from pigs.
Sorry for the short blog, I'll try to post my new zwgiantsfan tips IF I get at least 7 comments in total, and at least 3 of advice for my last slot in my party.
Pretty demanding right?