I'm talking about the amount of Eevee eggs I have right now without a modest one...
62. And counting.
Ya, so if anyone wants an Eevee of any nature EXCEPT MODEST, please ask, I NEED to get rid of them.
Fun facts about this:
62+ eggs so far.
My Ditto gained 6 levels so far (63-39)
My Umbreon gained 19 levels so far (28-47)
I've spent over 5 hours on this so far, maybe even 6.
I have officially played Pokemon Diamond for over 600 hours now.
I decided to name just about all of them Kookamunga because that is what I usually name my favorite Pokemon (there is a story behind it).
I decided to name the last few (so far) by their numbers. Starting with 56.
I named one Modest in hope of getting a modest one.
I named a few nothing, trying to test my luck.
I named one or two Eevee instead of EEVEE to see what would happen.
I am still doing this as I type.
There is a level 55 Camerupt in my party, appropriately named HATCHER because its ability hatches eggs twice as fast.
I evolved one with rare candies to a level 26 Flareon. I was bored.
I still am bored.
If anyone has a level 1 modest Eevee please tell me.
63 and counting.
Wow, that's a lot of fun facts.
Now after doing my blog about easy EV training. I decided to do a few more (kinda like swww2198's new thing called Togetime which you should all check out in the TAN union, but mine is all tips n advice n stuff). The next one will be "zwgiantsfan's Pokemon Tips - Building A Team Around Your Favorite Pokemon". The for dummies part doesn't fit :(.
I want challengers at my dragon gym in the TAN. Battle if you dare. I'm good.
Anybody have any ways to determine a nature of an egg?
Anybody have recommendations / requests for my tips?
Anybody have any ideas for a top 10 list?
P.S.: I can just see my modest Eevee being the 100th one, and having 0 IVs. Now THAT, would suck.