GTF outta' here. It sure wasn't what Fallout 1 and 2 were, but it's far from the worst. Gothis 3 was a POS techincally upon its release, but with the community patches it's a great game. Worst RPG? Umm..Two Worlds...just god awful.Fallout 3 is the worst RPG.
zymbo's forum posts
Hey guys and gals. I run a few PCs and I have a desktop that is around 3 years old. On this desktop is a Gigabyte M57SLI-S4 Am2 Nforce 570 mother board. Right now I have a AMD2 dual core 5600+ in it. I've been bumming around on Ebay and I see that AMD2 6000+ and 6300's are available for relatively cheap.
I'm fairly tech saavy, enough to put a PC together and understand more than just the basics, however, I'm not too familiar with bus rates etc. when it comes to overall performance. Would an upgrade to either a 6000 or 6300 processor really be worth $100 or so American dollars for a noticeable performance increase?
I mostly play LotRO and games using the Source engine on this PC. (graphics card is an 8800 gt)
Thank you in advance for your help. :)
Depends on your usage. I do a pretty good job of keeping it orderly and neat every week and my Vista64 build from 3years ago has only gained around 10 seconds on total boot time (not bad really given some peoples PCs start taking minutes after only a year or 2). The main time I refresh is if i notice large amounts of ram going toward nothing which usually means your registry is starting to get bunged full of uninstalls and old crap. Another time i may is if I notice things not running as smoothly as before which kind of goes back into the system ram usage scenario again. The last reason I wipe is if theres a virus which I dont feel like bothering with or if I really want to make sure its gone. I dont use active Antivirus on my PC, I never have as its a resource hog, I scan using portable scanners every few months and use Spybot and Adaware once every few weeks. Ive been virus clean for almost 3 and a half years now on 2 different PCs. I've grown to understand that the users who get viruses A) open stupid emails B)Use Internet Explorer C) dont use Noscript and Adblock Plus D) play around with naughty videos and pictures E) dont know how to use file sharing properly and end up downloading tons of crap. Long story short: I do it when I need to, which since Im the only user of this PC, is not very often.ColdfireTrilogyPretty solid advice right here. I do recommend an antivirus though and defragging semi-regularly. Most of PC users problems come from unsavory websites (porn, active x stuff, warez, romz, {illegal stuff}, and P2P). Surfing smart and avoiding the junk goes a long way. I've run PCs for 3-4 years with minimal slow downs. BTW, Coldfire....that is an awesome sig. ;)
Simple marketing tactic. Making a game accessable to the widest range of customers for maximum profit. That being said, I don't think the poll is phrased fairly. Their graphics may not being cutting edge, but Blizzard has a proven and time tested reputation for excellent gameplay. Graphics are always secondary to any serious gamer anyhow.
Didn't read the wall of text but if you purchase a game that has been released you shouldn't be eligible for any refund. If it was allowed we might as well hand people a cracked copy of the game and save the hassle.LevrarParagraphs are your friend... ;) I agree. Unless the game is completely defective from a programming standard, your PC not being able to run it, or not enjoying the game are not legitimate reasons for returning a digital copy. Stick to console games or hard copy PC games if you want a more lenient return policy. I say this as a person who buys 90% of their games DD too.
Fallout 1 or 2. - Epic. Nuff' said.
i'm hoping it's a release date.DabsTight703Hehe. I agree.
Profile level is fixed. Still showing level 1 on forum posts.
Edit: 05/29/2010 - All problems resolved. Thank you for the prompt fixes. :)
Hmmm....I was level 14 yesterdaybut I got reset to level 1 today. :cry: Can we fix this please?
Fixed. Still showing as level one on my profile and in forums. I guess I'll wait a bit since GS seems to take a bit to update.Hmmm....I was level 14 yesterdaybut I got reset to level 1 today. :cry: Can we fix this please?
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