Moving day is soon... TOO soon! Tomorrow is my last day of slight normalcy, when I'll be getting my hair cut, then taking care of the things the movers shouldn't, like taking everything off my apartment walls and unplugging all unnecessary electronics. I'm going to keep my modem and router connected until the bitter end, though!
Here's how it's going down: movers come Wed morning to pack up my apartment and put everything on the truck; I'm not supposed to pack anything because they need to know what's in the boxes and all that so they can handle things properly since they assume full liability. I just have to be there for any questions, so I think I might play something benign like Minecraft. It should only take the crew 6 hours to pack up my <700 sq ft apartment, so that night I'll try to clean what I can and get the apartment ready for turnover.
My car also gets taken to be shipped sometime Wed, so my buddy is gonna help me out and hang out with me, clean and drop me off at my hotel. I owe him the best dinner ever! Then he gets off work early and is going to let me bribe him with iced coffee and breakfast to pick me up at my hotel, head to my favorite coffee shop for one last goodbye, then drop me off at the airport where I fly out to Providence in the afteroon.
I get in about 11:10pm EST, grab my rental car and head to the hotel where I'll be staying until I find an apartment for some sleep. Friday, the real estate person who has been assigned to me will take me on an apartment tour and hopefully I'll find something that's nifty, in my budget and available (sounds a lot like shopping for a girlfriend, eh? :?) If I don't see anything, we'll pick some more apartments to tour another time and I'll stay at the hotel until something comes up.
About 2 weeks after I ship myself out to RI, I head to Windsor to participate in a group to decide the future of Field Engineer training. I'm really hoping to have a place at least lined up, if not moved into, before then, but we'll just have to wait and see.
I do start work next Monday in my new position, so that will be interesting. I'll either have zero time to myself with finding a place and getting caught up on my new position, or tons of free time at my hotel to hang out and play games. I won't be taking my gaming laptop with me to Windsor, but I should have a new phone by then that will let me surf the internet more easily and keep in touch with people over WiFi.
Otherwise, I'm sort of freaking out! This is an amazing opportunity, but moving so far is scary. Oh well. Chin down, shoulders forward, and, wait for it...