This is a game that looks fantastic, but doesn't play as well as it looks.

User Rating: 5 | Project Gotham Racing 2 XBOX
Project Gotham comes from a line that started as Metropolis Street Racer on the now defunct Sega Dreamcast. MSR was a good game and, at the time, was ahead of it's time in it's graphical presentation. Project Gotham carries that excellent design tradition with a fantastic looking game. The cars, streets and overall scenes are more realistic than you'll see in any other racing game. For me, though, that's where the realism and fun ended. The gameplay of Project Gotham is stodgy, in my opinion. It's very linear in it's play mode in that you really just have to continue along a path, winning races and earning points to move on. Personally, it feels a little rigid. That carries through into the actual game controls. The car's steering is EXTREMELY stiff! You have to start you turn way ahead of the curve or use the hand brake on every turn. That's not very realistic. Besides that, losing control of the car is way too easy. One little bad turn and you're doing a donut. Now, maybe I didn't give it enough time, so I'll give you that. Perhaps learning it takes longer than I've been willing to put into it so far. But, if I had to pick between this and something like Need for Speed: Underground or Burnout 3: Point of Impact, this one definately falls short. With those two titles, I could get the hang of steering and racing in about a half hour. The other thing that bugs me about Project Gotham is the lack of real life physics. I mean, if you're driving 120 MPH and run into a concrete barrier, you don't just stop dead! Granted, you should be trying to do that, but it would be nice if your mistakes were actually fun to watch. In my opinion, the only title that handles real life physics and true crash dynamics is Burnout 3. You can read my review on that, but honestly, that's the most fun racing game out there. All in all, I wouldn't recommend Project Gotham. If you want cool graphics and a long learning curve, go for it. It really is incredible to watch. I just wish it was fun to play.