I first fell in love with this seiries in 2001 with Project Gotham Racing. It was the perfect blend of simulation and arcade racing physics which made the cars unbelievably fun to drive. I played the hell out of PGR2, which was more of a graphical upgrade (since I never utilized the online play) but an outstanding title nonetheless. And now PGR3 has come... and beat the crap out of its predecessors. They have finally perfected it. PGR3 is so fun that I excpect I will be playing for months, maybe even years to come (given that I am planning to buy the online adapter). My god, the gamplay is so outstanding! The A.I. is incredible, giving you a real challenge when you want it. The great thing about PGR3 is that you can select your difficulty for each race, allowing you to find your niche and pick the difficulty that isn't too easy but isn't too hard either. I found my niche at the hard difficulty, but I am starting to win most of the races, so I just might have to trade over to Expert. The only thing that kept it from a 10 is the challenges, which are simply a distraction to the real action, and aren't nearly as fun. My god, I've filled up nearly a page and I haven't even mentioned the graphics. Believe me, they deserve to be mentioned. I'll say right up front, this is the best looking game on the Xbox 360, period. The environments in this game aren't environments, they're WORLDS. They even incorporated a right analog camera swivel which can be used for strategic purposes as well as a tool to check out the graphics. And on an HD TV this game is simply beyond words. This is the best looking game of all time. It beats everything on other consoles, as well as PC's. Overall, this is the best of the 360 launch lineup, and worth a purchase from everybody, even those who do not like racing games.
The Project Gotham Racing series has been around for a while, starting out on the first Xbox. Now, the third one in the series has arrived to the Xbox 360, Microsoft's Next-Gen console, and it simply breaks the barrier a... Read Full Review
Bizarre Creations have come up with yet another graphical showcase on Microsoft’s console. Hours and hours of footage and hundreds of pictures made it possible for them to create photo-realistic vehicles and environments... Read Full Review