Vroom Vroom ooh Street Racin.... oh Vin Diesels not in it :(
The Gameplay is amazing with many iconic tracks to play through aswell as a garage where you can put your cars into and then take pictures and then share them with your friends i could'nt help feeling spoilt.
The cars look so realistic with such little details like a PGR 4 license plate and in the garage the contrasting on the cars is stunning , however slow loading times prevent the graphics from getting a 10.
The soundtrack is great with such choices as : Kaizer Chief ,The Prodigy and many more make this game a memorable experience, however the real sound is from the cars engine and it sounds so realistic its unreal.
Controls are great in this using the shoulder buttons to accelarate and brake it couldnt be simpler this makes it easy for begginers.
This game is definitely one to buy with so many enhancement options to make this already awesome game better you could spend a lot of money on this game