Good for it's time
Anyway you play as David Jones who works for a agency who needs to stop a stolen nuke head from being launched. It seems like any other late 90's game on terrorism.
The graphics are bad but good for it's time with chunky mountains and people with distorted faces but it's nothing different then any other game of that time.
The sound I like, the theme song is soooooo awesome and to this day I like it. The in game music is alright too and the voices are done well.
the gameplay, well, you can pick up any and as much guns as you want and there are some great guns there like jackhammers and spas-12's. You can't save during a mission which can be very frustrating and you'll find yourself repeating the first part of any level besides the first few alot.
Basically this game is old skool. Right to the bone, made ages ago and was like ages ago.