I just played it 8 years ago, it has multiple ways to complete your mission. I love the calm in game. I still play IGI in 2011, yes in 2011. Very well designed and playable in future. At least i think we should appreciate the IGI 1 creators. I gave them nobel prize in gaming for excellent job while i was in my youth. Was and is great for it's time.I agree with Padrino: I enjoyed the pacing of the game as well as the mix of stealth and run-and-gun. The graphics engine (with flight sim heritage) was used quite well here. I though the player modeling and guns were very well done. It takes a while to figure out which weapons to use and how the alt fire modes effect them. The outdoor play is a great departure from the claustrophobic interiors of nearly every other FPS. I looked at each ... ... .
Big fan of shooters? Dig PC gaming? Pick this release up with haste. Feeling sneaky? Utilize stealth to infiltrate and destroy your enemy from within. But beware as the AI is much more cunning and ruthless than mos... Read Full Review
I really enjoy the basic game here. Nothing like a good mix of sneaking, shooting and sniping to get the ol' blood flowiing! And these are things this game delivers. Fast action, creeping about, multiple weapons, not ... Read Full Review