A good blend of gameplay but way too short.

User Rating: 7.7 | Project: Snowblind PS2
I liked this game I thought it was pretty good. The gameplay was very fluid and quick and fast and crazy. With most FPS's I get bored very fast, but on this one I didn't, the vast number of powers,secondary weaponds, and weaponds kept the game fun and active throughout the whole game, making the repetitiveness go away that I got from a lot of other FPS. The graphics could have been better, they wern't really up to par with all the other FPS's on the PS2. The sound was okay........I guess. The story, well um, actually to be honest I didn't have any idea why I was doing certain missions in the game like why I was doing them or what I would accomplish, I didn't really understand the story till about level 14. With that note lets talk about the lenght of this game, this game is incredibly short. I beat it in one sit down (like 6-7 hours) only beat it in one day. I would have wanted to play this game more and really get into the plot and stuff but didn't because by the time I figured out what was going on it was over. It only has 17 levels of fun and only about 7-10 hours of gameplay. This game was also, in my opinion, kind of hard. I found myself dying constantly. What the game did was overwhelm you with enemies and not put enough health anywhere to actually recover so I would have to go and backtrack to another place where I knew a health pack was. All-in-all this game was good but way to short, not a great FPS but not a horrible one, it's worth a rent but far to short to buy.