FPS on steroids.

User Rating: 8.9 | Project: Snowblind XBOX
In my opinion this is one of the best games of the year. It is packed with overwhelming firefights and the necessary stealth-like levels that are necessary for an all-around FPS joy ride. Another key feature of this game is the unbelievable amount of guns and gadgets that you have at your desposal, though I only used secondary fire once and rarely used any of the gernades, spiderbots, etc... The graphics were impeccable, though they weren't as perfect as the likes of Doom 3 and Halo 2. The sound worked out great for this game. It didn't really stand out compared to the graphics or weaponry, but it definitely added to the experience. The guns sounded unbelievably realistic and the voice acting was better than expected. The controls were decent, except for all of the vehicle controls that took some getting used to. Snowblind has a decent storyline, though like most shooters, it took a back seat to graphics and action. The cinimatics were grade A quality. They looked and sounded near perfect to me. I only have a few major problems with this game. The length of this game was dissappoinitng. Usually I like moderately short games because if they take too long I tend to lose interest, but this was even too short for me. The game was also slightly easy for the average person. The final major problem I have with this game was that it has no splitscreen feature. The live feature where you can choose which class you play as is pretty cool, though. Overall, this game is great for FPS fans like me, but the average gamer should probably rent it first due to the short length.