User Rating: 7.4 | Project: Snowblind PS2
The game has good graphics and good game play. The most unique thing about this game is the bio-augmentations. With these you can slow-time, shield, lightning ball, invisability and altered vision. My favorite being the slow-time coupled with the shot gun. There are also tons of weapons as well as grenades.

With these positives come many negitives. First is over use of level design. A lot of the level schemes are used 2-4 times which shows that the uniqueness of the bio-augmentations is counter balanced with the non-unique levels. The game also seems to end in a poof rather than a bang. Second is the difficulty settings... there are none. Also, there is the AI. There have been many a time when the enemy would just stand there as I kill him. The worst about the AI are my squad mates. They have good aim and kill many of the enemy, but there are times when I am considered the enemy. At these times, I believe that they are shooting at an enemy, but they should be smart enough to know that I am in the way of that enemy.

I have only played the single player and not the multi player for this game. Also I baught this game for $3.00, so for the price the game is very will worth it.