Pretty Good

User Rating: 8 | Project: Snowblind PS2
Well, let's keep it short, but powerfull.
This is a good, solid game, with great weapons, nice abilities and a pretty high fun factor. But I've the feeling I've seen it all before. This game has certainly potential, but it isn't all that new or stunning. The graphichs are also a bit vague. Just a bit more paint here and there and this would be a very very good game. Now it is just a good game, not more not less.
Take a look at my score and to reviews of others, and I think you can decide of this game is something for you.

Update: The grapchics are not very vague, but actualy quite good, compared to some other games from that year. There are some very good levels, the movies are cool and it's better then I remebered. But because it's 'different' in a different sort of way, the first time you play it, it is not so good as the second time. The second time everything is intenser. Don't ask me why, but this was how I experienced it.

And btw, It is very short. In a hour of six-seven is it done. But it is so cheap nowadays that that doesn't matter anymore:P